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Take some time, with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, to browse our portfolios of over 600 original images.

For the artist, we offer several image hosting plans, including stock photography licensing.

For the buyer, we offer note cards, prints & posters, calendars & holiday cards.

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framed prints framed prints ‘Same as if he had a bone in his throat,’ said the Gryphon: and it set to work shaking him and punching him in the back. At last the Mock Turtle recovered his voice, and, with tears running down his cheeks, he went on again:– ‘You may not have lived much under the sea–’ (‘I haven’t,’ said Alice)– ‘and perhaps you were never even introduced to a lobster–’ (Alice began to say ‘I once tasted–’ but checked herself hastily, and said ‘No, never’) ‘–so you can have no idea what a delightful thing a Lobster Quadrille is!’ ‘No, indeed,’ said Alice. ‘What sort of a dance is it?’ ‘Why,’ said the Gryphon, ‘you first form into a line along the sea-shore–’ ‘Two lines!’ cried the Mock Turtle. ‘Seals, turtles, salmon, and so on; then, when you’ve cleared all the jelly-fish out of the way–’ ‘THAT generally takes some time,’ interrupted the Gryphon. ‘–you advance twice–’ ‘Each with a lobster as a partner!’ cried the Gryphon.

framed prints ‘Of course,’ the Mock Turtle said: ‘advance twice, set to partners–’ ‘–change lobsters, and retire in same order,’ continued the Gryphon. ‘Then, you know,’ the Mock Turtle went on, ‘you throw the–’ ‘The lobsters!’ shouted the Gryphon, with a bound into the air. ‘–as far out to sea as you can–’ ‘Swim after them!’ screamed the Gryphon. ‘Turn a somersault in the sea!’ cried the Mock Turtle, capering wildly about. 73 74 CHAPTER 10.

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